Mission StatementThe SUN Advocacy Committee is an initiative of the Senior Umbrella Networks of Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. Its purpose is to educate the community through service, education and leadership by identifying current issues affecting the senior population, thus empowering seniors and inspiring professionals to advocate on their behalf. A consortium of medical providers, caregivers and industry professionals promote optimal guidance and information through the use of educational materials funded and distributed through SUN. Advocacy Committee Members: Caryn Isaacs, Co-Chair Advocacy Committee Lisa Penziner, Co-Chair Advocacy Committee David Hamond, Chair List Sub-Committee Beverly Silver, Chair Letter Sub-Committee Vicki Ellner, Chair SUN-Brooklyn Maureen Nickel, Co-Chair SUN-Queens Pam Winter, Co-Chair SUN Nassau Stephanie Pacchiano, Advocacy Representative SUN Suffolk Sharon CohenDebbie Ginsberg Mathew LiVecchi 2017 Advocacy Committee Campaign Our member, George Fehling, President of Ramps/Lifts for Better Living, passed away last year. His last wishes were to see a bill passed that would help people to pay for modifications made to their homes to make them more accessible. and to help all disabled people to have access to their homes and the outdoor. George was able to see the bill, sponsored by David Weprin, passed. The bill has been reintroduced in the Assembly and has been introduced in the Senate. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2017/A5333 Here is a sample draft that you can use to contact your assembly person and State Senator. The Advocacy Committee will help to pass Bill # A5333 through Education and Cooperation with like minded organizations.
Home modifications may involve converting or adapting your environment so you can live independently. Examples of home modifications include replacing regular door handles with ones that open by using a push button; adding handrails on both sides of a staircase and outside steps; installing stair lifts, ramps or elevators for so you can come and go from your home by wheelchair or scooter; modifications to interior passage doors providing enough room to pass through with a wheelchair or walker; building a walk-in shower; reinforcing bathroom walls to allow for the installation of grab bars and lowering kitchen counters; installing light switches and outlets in locations accessible to disabled persons. These types of home modifications enable people with disabilities and older adults to “age in place”.
These home modifications are not covered by any type of insurance or government benefits. The costs for many minor home modifications and repairs can cost between $150 and $2,000. Major renovations can run into the tens of thousands.
The purpose of this legislation is to help seniors and their families offset some of the costs associated with these home modifications. Giving a tax credit for the work will enable more families to afford the modifications and will enable more disabled persons and elderly to remain safely in their homes. This legislation can help many people including workers and the economy. Please come back here to see a list of companies and organizations that will help us to spread the word about this bill. Please contact our Caryn Isaacs, Co-Chair of the Committee, if you would like to hear more about how your organization can help. 2014 Advocacy Committee CampaignHOW DO I KNOW IF IT’S A SCAM?If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!Beware of strangers attempting to get personal information or money, including: PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE RESOURCES