Welcome Back Networking Meeting
Please join us on Tuesday, September 14 at 8:30am as we gather for the first meeting of our new year to be held poolside at:
The Residence at Plainview
9 Gerhard Road
Plainview, NY 11803.
This is a “getting to know you/welcome back” meeting so please bring your pamphlets and business cards as you get reacquainted with colleagues and meet new ones as well! If inclement weather is predicted, you will be notified via email that the meeting will take place via Zoom.
Please renew your $50 membership by going to our website:
Renewing members, log in with your email address
New members: click on “member login” and then click “join us”.
We also offer a corporate rate for up to 3 members for $125.
See you on Tuesday, September 14.